Exploring the Different Forms of Hawaiian Kava Root

Discover the different forms of Hawaiian Kava Root available on the market and their unique benefits and uses. From traditional drinks to topical products, find the perfect form of kava for your needs.

Exploring the Different Forms of Hawaiian Kava Root

Hawaiian Kava Root, also known as 'awa in Hawaiian, has been used for centuries in traditional Polynesian cultures for its medicinal and ceremonial purposes. It is a plant native to the Pacific Islands, particularly Hawaii, and is known for its calming and relaxing effects. In recent years, Hawaiian Kava Root has gained popularity in the Western world as a natural alternative to prescription medications for anxiety and stress.

The Traditional Form: Freshly Harvested Roots

The most traditional form of Hawaiian Kava Root is the freshly harvested roots. These roots are typically hand-picked from the plant and then washed, peeled, and ground into a fine powder.

This form of kava is considered to be the most potent and purest form as it contains all the active compounds of the plant. Freshly harvested roots are usually consumed by making a traditional kava drink. The powder is mixed with water and then strained through a cloth or mesh bag to remove any coarse particles. The resulting drink is then consumed in small amounts, as it can have a strong taste and numbing effect on the tongue. This form of Hawaiian Kava Root is not readily available on the market as it requires fresh roots to be shipped from Hawaii. However, some local farmers and vendors may offer freshly harvested roots for sale.

Dried Roots: A Convenient Alternative

For those who do not have access to freshly harvested roots, dried roots are a convenient alternative.

These roots are harvested and then dried in the sun or using artificial methods. Dried roots can be found in various forms such as whole root chunks, chips, or powder. Dried roots are typically used to make kava tea or capsules. The tea is made by steeping the dried roots in hot water for several minutes, similar to making a cup of tea. Capsules, on the other hand, are a more convenient option for those who do not like the taste of kava or do not have the time to prepare a traditional drink. Dried roots are also used in making kava extracts, which are more concentrated forms of kava.

These extracts are made by soaking the dried roots in alcohol or water and then straining the liquid. They are available in liquid or powder form and are considered to be more potent than traditional kava drinks.

Kava Concentrates: A Stronger Option

Kava concentrates are another form of Hawaiian Kava Root that is gaining popularity in the market. These concentrates are made by extracting the active compounds of kava using solvents such as alcohol or CO2. They are available in liquid or powder form and are considered to be more potent than traditional kava drinks. Kava concentrates are often used by those who want a stronger and faster-acting effect. They can be mixed with water or other beverages, making them a convenient option for those who do not like the taste of kava.

Kava Pills: A Discreet Option

For those who do not like the taste of kava or do not have the time to prepare a traditional drink, kava pills are a discreet and convenient option.

These pills contain powdered kava root and can be taken with water or other beverages. Kava pills are also a popular choice for those who want to take kava on-the-go. They are available in various strengths and can be easily found in health food stores or online.

Topical Products: A Unique Form of Kava

In addition to the traditional forms of Hawaiian Kava Root, there are also topical products available on the market. These products, such as kava balms and oils, are made by infusing kava extract into a carrier oil or balm. They are often used for their relaxing and pain-relieving properties and can be applied directly to the skin. Topical products are a unique form of kava and are not as widely available as other forms.

However, they can be found in specialty stores or online.


In conclusion, Hawaiian Kava Root is available in various forms on the market, each with its own unique benefits and uses. Whether you prefer a traditional kava drink or a more convenient option like pills or concentrates, there is a form of kava that will suit your needs. It is important to note that the potency and effects of each form may vary, so it is essential to do your research and consult with a healthcare professional before trying any new form of kava.